AsciiDoc support
Eric Carter
Support for AsciiDoc in Docusaurus would be extremely helpful! Markdown works well for simple pages and blog posts, but it lacks standard syntax support for superscript, subscript, definition lists, embedded comments, variables, callouts in code listings, etc.
Using HTML for these is not a solution. For example, HTML definition terms can't be linked to from other markdown files.
Adding support for GitHub Flavored AsciiDoc, or something like it would address these problems and provide a more powerful documentation solution.
Why has such a highly voted proposal not been responded to?
Sébastien Lorber
It's not clear to me at all how this would work.
Any example of integration between AsciiDoc and React to share?
Docusaurus is using MD / MDX / Remark.
If there is some syntax that is missing, you can create your own remark plugins to add the missing syntax for convenience.
Chaz Mginty
Sébastien Lorber: I think that's the key point of ASCIIDOC, you don't need to build your own plug-ins. AsciiDoc and its processor Asciidoctor natively support a lot of things that you would have to build a plugin for in markdown. Once specific example is includes (including content snippets from another file). For customers who want to write developer documentation, I usually set them up on Antora:, but would love to have an alternative like Docusaurus. Eg: if it supported more features that enable reuse and single-sourcing (like referencing code snippets from their original location in the source files) without having to build plugins.
Joshua Chen
Chaz Mginty: The problem is not "what syntax it offers", but "how we can make it work with React". You may have good success using it to generate HTML, but our goal is to integrate it into the existing app which is a React SPA, not to generate an entirely different site.
Fabrice Flore-Thébault
Sébastien Lorber: some examples:
I don't know how much work you need to integrate JavaScript and React. There is a JavaScript implementation of AsciiDoc:
Steven Pousty
Joshua Chen any updates on this?
Ayman Patel
Any update on this?